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Hopp & Associates, pc
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
353 Main Street
Longmont, Colorado
303 • 776 • 4045
Simple Sophisticated
Estate Planning
We are a specialty practice law firm with primary focus in matters of simple to sophisticated Estate Planning. Our offerings extend to Business, Real Estate, Advanced Wealth Planning, and Trust and Estate Administration services.
We serve the needs of clients all over the United States, and have served the communities of the Front Range in Colorado for more than 40 years. We have helped more than 5,000 families retain the dignity of control over their personal and financial well being.
Our planning philosophy assures that you take governance of what you value, with goals to protect, to ensure privacy, and to eliminate the need for any court involvement. Planning is beneficial for everyone. It corresponds to a willingness to plan for the two most important things in life:
Everyone You Love and Everything You Have
We did not develop our experience and techniques overnight. The work we do now is the result of years of education, teaching, and experience with actual clients and all manner of advisors. We therefore retain significant relationships with our clients, some of whom we have now done planning for down to the third and fourth generations.
Call us today for your introduction to assured, imaginative planning possibilities.
Special Note to Advisors

We meet many financial professionals who deal with investments, insurance, tax issues, and financial planning for clients of their own. Many of our own clients have existing relationships with financial professionals. Some of them may have a relationship with you.
We use a team approach with financial professionals. Our relationship with financial professionals is one of mutual cooperation and respect.
Learn more about our promise of loyalty to referring Financial Professionals by contacting our firm for our special Note to Financial Professionals.
Call us today to schedule your Free Consultation.
Phone 303-776-4045
Fax 866-581-9037